he majority of web traffic is driven by search engines, specifically Google, Bing and Yahoo! Search engines are the primary method of navigation for pretty much all internet users. So it’s really important for you to understand how to optimize your website for search so that it you can get the maximum potential traffic.

Want to learn how a search engine works? Click here to find out!

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a strategy used to get traffic to your site organically and to boost your website rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs), which are the pages displayed by the search engines in response to a searcher’s query. The better your SEO, the better your organic (“free”, non-paid) search results. It’s vital for your business to have great SEO – whether you’re a large company or a small, local mom-and-pop. The better your SEO, the more people who will find you.

Since the Internet is ever-changing, so is the SEO landscape. You can’t just “do SEO” once to your website and be done with it. You have to stay on top of it; you need to learn how to do SEO the rightway. When adding new content, you have options to go long with your copy, or go shorter. Just remember that content quality is more important then length. Be sure to do keyword research before you even start writing. Make sure that the most important terms are in the headline, description and other important areas. Include multimedia and outbound links in your posts. Also be sure your website is easy to use and offers clear navigation for users; mobile friendly is a must.

Ok, so we’ve established that good SEO is super important for your website and your business. Great! But when it comes to SEO, there are many misconceptions out there – even among people who consider themselves fairly familiar with the ins and outs of search. Much-believed SEO myths can prevent good marketers, business owners and bloggers from getting the maximum amount of traffic. With just one simple misstep, you could risk your spot in the search results. There are so many myths about how optimization works that could be detrimental to your business.

But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! We’ve compiled a list of the 17 top SEO myths you should forget about – like, yesterday. Check out our infographic below!

Stop Believing These SEO Myths - Like, Yesterday | SEO Best Practices

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